Friday, June 19, 2009

Touch down in Aruba

Short and Sweet: The flight down was a blast. Procedures are a bit different here but all in all not too difficult. The people at my fuel stop and in Aruba were all wondering what kind of nut does this sort of thing. Some wanted to know if I was in the Red bull Air Races. It's been really fun seeing people's reactions to it.

Anyway, the wind blows 20 knots all the time here so I've got some windsurfing to do. heading home tomorrow.

Time Passes

Well I'm back from Windsurfing and I'm pretty sure that I'll be nearly crippled tomorrow! I get to do that maybe twice a year and there is never enough wind but here there was plenty of wind. I stayed out for 2 hrs and that was all I could take. I'm not much good at it so I've got bruises every where. Good fun.

So now I'm recuperating at the hotel and I figured I'd do a quick update.

Flight From Ft Pierce was delayed thanks to Fog and a really long weather briefing. I wanted to be off by 6:30 and ended up getting off around 7. The flight over the Bahamas was really cool, lots of little islands, many were just completely uninhabited.
I didn't actually have to fly around a single thunder storm during the whole day. I did however get great pictures of one breaking down(raining) and creating a rainbow. Pretty cool.

1 comment:

John O'C said...

YEA.....that's fantastic that things have gone so smoothly and that you are enjoying it so much.....makes all the preps you did well worth it! The plane is looking great!